Novalia Roll 2 Dodge
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Post  Saima Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:02 pm

[Game idea]
I was playing with King_Pikmin over MSN, and we came up with an incredible idea.

Draw to dodge.

Along with your typical roll to dodge elements (dice determines the actions, major, minor actions, inventory etc), each action and roll is accompanied by a picture.

Such as:

Bob: Major: I make a fire with my sticks

Minor: I say hi to Phil

This would be accompanied by this picture, drawn by Bob in paint or the like:

I then roll, and post a picture depicting what happened on the roll, accompanying the text.

This would just be a fun add-on, and if a player doesn't have time to make a picture, no penalties will occur. I personally think it would be a fun way to involve the players more than just picking their actions.

[Why you want to be a GM]

I love playing R2D with my friends, and on this forum. I've got tons of time to put in to good rolls, and I think I have decent imagination and spelling skills.

[Style of game]

I'm not positive at the moment. I'm thinking fantasy medieval at the moment, however.

[How often do you get on]

I literally am on the computer about 8 hours a day. I am home-schooled, and finish my work early in the day. Tons of time to put in to make this game a success.


This would be more of a fun R2D than something like Prismpunk (which is more serious), but it wouldn't be troll2dodge either. I think it would be a lot of fun for all parties involved, and would bring novelty to R2Ds.

Thanks for checking out my idea Smile


Last edited by Saima on Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  King_Pikmin Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:05 pm

Yeh, it is a really fun game mode, I think lots of people would enjoy playing this. I definitely endorse this.
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Post  Bigkahuna Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:12 pm

Would the players be able to draw the outcome? As in:

Major: Take over the ship.

And draw a picture of themselves controlling the ship.

I think there needs to be some limits on this. However, it sounds like a cool idea. I'd feel bad for those with no drawing abilities, however.

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Post  Saima Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:14 pm

It would be exactly like a normal R2D in that respect.

Major: Take over the ship would be an incredibly risky action. Without enough support from crewmembers and a good roll, it will end with them being thrown out of the crew.

I don't have any drawing skills either Very Happy

Edit: Just realized I didn't answer your question.

You draw what you intend to do. If Bob had rolled a 1, he would have accidentally set Phil on fire, or something of the like (which I, as the GM would have drawn).

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Post  8680 Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:20 pm

Saima wrote:I don't have any drawing skills either
I can't even imagine how I'd begin to draw that example action, so you're better than me.
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Post  Bigkahuna Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:26 pm

How will the picture actually add to the roll...? For example:

Major: I run to the Grocery Store.
*adds picture of stick figure, then dot-dot-dot all the way to the store*

How does the picture add any more depth to the action? The action completely fleshes out its intent without one. I don't see how drawing the action adds to the game.

EDIT: What I'm asking is: what's the point? why not play without drawing? how does drawing the action make the game any better?

Also, how will long chats be drawn?


Minor: Have the following conversation with Phil: "It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves; immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven, to the Dwarf Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern over each race. But they were all of them deceived, for a new ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret, a master ring, to control all others. And into this ring he poured all his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One ring to rule them all. One by one, the free peoples of Middle Earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the very slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth. Victory was near, but the power of the ring could not be undone."

This would result in a ginormous text bubble.

How about complex or very long actions?

Minor Action: Tell the villagers to follow us inside the bunker, find a safe place for them to mill about while we tend to matters, with the assurance that once we find some food and ensure the area inside is safe, we'll return. If they don't follow us, I go inside anyway. Eventually they'll come to their senses and come inside to shelter.

I then ask Ragnar if we can visit the Armory to better arm ourselves should the pirates discover us during our magic lesson and ask Talkal if I could borrow the crow bar for a few minutes.

This would be VERY difficult to draw.

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Post  Saima Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:33 pm

I definitely see your point. However, text does not need to be inserted in the picture, only the main idea.

For long actions, multiple panels may be needed/used.

As per what it adds to the roll, I do see the issue. I have a possible fix, though.

The picture is the main source of info for the situation, while the action is more of a double check to make sure the GM understands the intent of the roll. For instance, Bob may draw a picture of him talking to the merchant with speech bubbles showing 5 gold coins and 1 gun, indicating that he wishes to make a purchase. The text could be something like this:

Bob: Buy a gun for 5 coins

I understand that it doesn't add that much to the actual roll, but something that it does add is a sense of involvement plain text actions don't have.

I am open to any suggestions.

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Post  Bigkahuna Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:45 pm

My Suggestion:

Have the game play like a SNES Zelda game.

A. You (GM) draw the area map, and where the characters are on the map to start with.
B. The player will have certain broad actions: Attack (choose weapon), Talk, Pick up, etc.
C. They get the area map, and alter where their character is on the map, and below the picture they put their overall action: Attack (choose weapon), Talk, Pick up, etc.

For example, you have a map of two stick figures with swords in a forest. There is a bear also drawn in the forest. Behind the bear there is a chest.

The first player edits the picture so that their character is in front of the bear. Below the picture they put "Attack w/ Sword: Bear". You roll to decide their attack.

The second player edits the picture so that their character is in front of the chest. Below the picture they put "Open: Chest"

Just an idea that I thought would be neat Smile

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Post  Saima Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:57 pm

That does sound interesting. Perhaps I could implement that in.

Maybe I could implement a maximum word (4 or so) limit for text actions, accompanied by the image. I don't know though... That sounds a bit limiting.

I think I'm on to something. Any factors that increase dependency on the drawing are good.

Keep those suggestions coming Smile

I'm heading to bed now. I'll check this thread in the morning.

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Post  ShadoWKilleR Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:32 am

4 word limit? Unless they are rolling as an asperger kid that is a bit... too limiting.
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Post  Saima Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:27 am

Mmhm. I'm just trying to think of a way to put more emphasis on the the picture, without taking away the text completely (that would almost certainly lead to misunderstandings).

The way that Pikmin and I played was with a two word "hint" limit, to help get the message across.

Thanks for all of your feedback!

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Post  FoolishBalloon Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:04 pm

why not just post a textbubble with a lot of ~~~~~~~~~~~ in, and write the conversation in the normal text? Just an idea though Razz
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Post  Saima Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:10 pm

I've come to this conclusion:

This would be more of a novel R2D. Instead of worrying about game balance and world detail, it would be a game that people could sit back, relax, and enjoy. The drawing would just be an interesting twist, regardless of if it adds to the actual gameplay.

Would anyone be interested in a R2D like that? More of just something to just have fun with than to really plan out your actions.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

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Post  Bigkahuna Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:01 pm

Could you explain this idea more fully...?

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Post  Saima Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:06 pm

Sure. I tend to not write my ideas very clearly, so don't hesitate to mention it.

It would be a sci-fi R2D, with my original idea for drawing your actions. If it adds anything to the game play of it, I don't know. But it does add some fun.

The R2D would be more of a relaxed game, with less emphasis put on story and detail, and more on just a simple, fun RPG. I understand that some people want detailed plots and world backgrounds, but I personally like a simpler game.

Please tell me if I didn't talk about something that you're wondering about.


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Post  Bigkahuna Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:10 pm

Story and details, along with plots, are what make most R2Ds so fun and interesting to play. If you don't want either of those, there are only two paths to take that I see:

A. Make an exaggerated, perhaps humorous slapstick R2D.
B. Give the player very clear and defined objectives as well as means of carrying them out. More linear.

The way your idea is going, the drawing is pointless and would just draw players away from the game, as most don't have the time or inclination to draw scanty pictures based on their action.

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Post  Saima Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:16 pm

Fair enough. I can see your point, and I still hold by my idea. I don't mean to project the wrong idea about a lack of detail. I only mean that it would be more open form, rather than having preset plotlines or quests.

I would like to see some feedback. I feel like this idea has potential, but if nobody is interested, I'll move on to my next idea (whatever that may be Smile).

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Post  King_Pikmin Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:48 pm

Yeh, the point of this is just like any other R2D, but also adds a little twist of the drawings to them. It's just supposed to be a little fun addition. And they don't have to be very detailed, if you don't have time, you can just make a quick drawing in about a minute, or if you have spare time, make it have flare. You don't have to use fancy programs if you don't want to, any drawing program is fine.
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Post  Saima Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:54 pm

King_Pikmin wrote:Yeh, the point of this is just like any other casual R2D, but also adds a little twist of the drawings to them. It's just supposed to be a little fun addition. And they don't have to be very detailed, if you don't have time, you can just make a quick drawing in about a minute, or if you have spare time, make it have flare. You don't have to use fancy programs if you don't want to, any drawing program is fine.


I mis-spoke when I said the game was to not have a lot of plot. What I mean is that there would be less of a focus on plot and quests, and more of a focus on open ended gameplay. I'm thinking that a medieval fantasy setting might be a better option for this, but I'll save that for once people actually say they like this.

Please do not misunderstand -- I don't want to make a "herp derp i blow up the ogre wit my sworrdd" game. However, I don't want a game that has so much back-story that player interactions are set in stone (e.g. Oh. I can't be friends with the elf because I'm a night elf, and the rules say that).


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Post  Bigkahuna Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:03 pm

What if it's not a fun addition for the players? Are they required to draw a picture? If it is just a fun addition, couldn't you do this on any game without having to make a rule about it? I think you should just make an R2D without worrying about pictures if it's going to be like this.

After you work out all of this, I suggest you come up with the gameplay, rolling mechanics, story settings, etc. See other applications. Those core mechanics are what need to be decided before your idea can be approved - not all this debate about pictures.

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Post  Saima Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:13 pm

Fair enough. It seems as though there's not enough interest at this point so

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