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[Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen

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[Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen Empty [Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen

Post  Bigkahuna Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:35 pm

ROLLS LAST UPDATED: 07 March, 2012

Title: Breach of the Fallen
Author: its_crunchtime

Breach of the Fallen
The Game Mechanics:
Revealed Mechanics:
Rashayl Arengar:
Known NPC's:

Joining up:

Currently Playing:
Rulyon (Vanlen)
Saima (Raspin)
AerynPierre (Aeryn)
Malregima (Sa-Long)
Shinobody (Kardis)

Waiting List


Last edited by Bigkahuna on Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:18 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 1166
Join date : 2011-02-16
Location : United States

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[Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen Empty Re: [Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen

Post  Bigkahuna Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:18 am


At the beginning of a roll, a new mechanic may be revealed. This will be added to a “Revealed Mechanics” section in the main post.

New mechanic: Currency (Amaor)
In the current country the players are in (Amaor) the currency is based on a locational system using gold marks. There are ten different marks in Amaor, each being fabricated by the Family who rules that tenth of Amaor. The further away you are from the area that the mark you are paying with is produced, the more it is worth.
For example, you are carrying a Graudlin Mark, manufactured by the Graudlin Family. They rule the (list of locations). If you are paying for an item in an area that borders the Graudlin’s, than the Graudlin Mark is worth two of whatever mark is being fabricated in the area. If you are in an the area controlled by the Graudlins, they are worth one mark each. The values of the marks players are currently carrying are at the bottom of each roll.

New mechanic: Worn Items
A worn item is an item that your character is currently wearing or wielding. As they are not in your characters bag, they do not take up an inventory space.


Year 991 after Godsfall , 12th day of Faeriemont

City of Mischamin
Watching the heavy ironoak door grate inwards, the barrow dwarf leans back in his chair, the wood creaking under the heavy mass of muscle. Not skinny, as no self-respecting dwarf would be, his arms, legs and neck bulge with thick muscle, his trim green shirt and breeches doing nothing to hide that fact. While one may be quick to denounce his belly as pure fat, in truth this would be a lie, but none would say such a thing to the dwarf's face. If they valued their well-being, that is.

The door caught on something, to a muffled curse from the person on the outside.

Barren smiled, stroking his tangled mass of black beard with one hand while he spins a small handaxe on the desk in front of him. As a barrow dwarf, he has slanted eyes and a short, bent nose, along with a mouthful of sharp teeth and orange skin the color of a desert’s sand. The racial category comes from barrow dwarves tendency to live in the grave barrows of their own deceased kind. A macabre, ghoulish thing to do by any other races standards, but true to form, Barren does not see what all the fuss was about; living under your ancestors protection is a comforting, peaceful experience, not a crime akin to necromancy.

Barren’s office is a small room, further evidence as to his devotion towards his mercenary unit, the Swords. All available space is used for training rooms, quarters, an armory, a personal fletcher, smithy and armourer; even a general store.
As a consequence, the stolid greywood desk, carved from one solid piece of the aforementioned material, takes up most of the space in the room. There is one small stool on the other side of the desk, the low-backed chair that Barren sits in (being made for humans, the low back is actually a perfect height), and a lantern hanging from a chain fastened to the ceiling that slopes upwards on both ends of the room, the rising slants meeting a handful of arm-spans above the center of the office. The walls are standard of the Deal Quarter of Mischamin: rough-cut wood slats covered with baked reinstone, creating a strong wall that can easily be painted, should the owner desire.

Not caring for such things, every wall in Barren’s compound was the color nature intended it to be: a washed out, white-grey. A rectangular window cut in the right wall of the room completed the office, looking out into the courtyard. The cheap glass that was set in the frame was smeared and dirty.

Barren cared little for outward appearances.

The stubborn door finally swung inward, revealing a human of middling height and age, clean shaven, with tanned skin befitting of those who lived in southwest Amaor. He wears a dusty, faded blue robe with an unwrapped, equally dusty talanin around his shoulders.

A traditional garment, a talanin is a long piece of fabric, wide at one end, tapering down to a point at the other. It is wrapped around ones head like a turban, with the wide end left to hang down ones back to act as a cape, while the narrow end is left hanging halfway down the wearer's chest, easily available to hold up over ones nose and mouth should a sandstorm strike. Which, in Southwest Amaor, which borders numerous deserts and drylands, is an ever-present possibility.

Looking down at the dwarf from behind his long, crooked nose, the man intones imperiously: “I wish to hire a clutch of mercenaries.”

Barren snorted. “A clutch? Do we look like harpies, lad?”

The stranger’s face darkened. “Lad! I have seen more sunrises than you could count, dwarf!” The man spits out the last word as an insult.
“Don't lecture me on old age. As a dwarf I will live an average of two and a half centuries. Do you really think you’re older than me, human?”

Sighing, the man sits down on the stool, discovering the same thing that all who sat there did; it was just tall enough so that the sitter’s chin, should they be the proper height, just comes over the edge of the desk.
The man was the appropriate height.

“Please, take a seat.” Barren commented dryly.

“I’ve come to hire a group of your mercenaries. Firsts, if you please.”

“You’ll have to be more specific.”

“About seven.”

Leaving the handaxe spinning on the table, Barren stands up and saunters the few feet to the window. “You wish to hire some Firsts, eh? Know you that a First in the Swords are those who have never been on a mission before?”

“I do. That is why it is only two Graudlin marks per month of hire, is it not?”

Not turning to address him, Barren continues staring out the window.“You know that Firsts are generally peasants who’ve decided that they’d rather not till fields, sew, turn pots, or any other task of the like, right? You know that virtually all of them have no fighting skills beyond the basics we show them?”

“Do you not train them?”

“We train those who show promise. If a First survives his hire, then perhaps we will take more of an interest. Well, mister…?”


“Rehanes, eh? An uncommon name, that… of the Ytrit tribe down in the Gebrit desert, I believe. I happen to know of one Rehanes of some repute who lives right here in Mischamin. Would you be that person?”

“I may be.”

Jerking a nod, Barren turns and beckoned to Rehanes. “Well, Rehanes, as Shadri’s luck would have it, we do have exactly that number of Firsts available. Look.”

Awkwardly getting up from the short stool, Rehanes strides over to the window, standing a full foot-and-a-half above Barren.
The courtyard is large, perhaps a good bowshot from end-to-end. A gate of wood and iron, open to the bustling streets beyond, anchored the eastern end, the building surrounding the courtyard rising up and over the gate. The walls of the building are the same material the office is made of, but browned under the hot sun and sandstorms that make up an ever-present feature of Southwest Amaor. On one end of the courtyard a group of mercenaries hack away at each other with training weapons. A few others take potshots at archery targets with crossbows on the other end near the gate. In the center, five men and two women are receiving instructions from another barrow dwarf who seems battle-scarred even from a distance, though one man would certainly seem like a woman were it not for his clothing.

“Let, me guess… Barren, is it?”


“I’m assuming that group in the middle are the ones?”

“Only Firsts not on a job. 'Rest were hired out to some caravan a few weeks back. Haven’t heard from them since.”

Rehanes turns from the window and strides through the door, dropping a pouch that clinked as it landed on the table. “Tell them to meet me at the Miser’s Gate by sundown.”

Barren opens his mouth to complain, but the man is already gone. “Well, sir, I’ll need a bit more information before I hire out some men to you…” Barren says dryly, acting as if the man were still here. Sighing, moves to the bag on his desk, drawing a dagger from his belt.


“Move quicker, Vanlen! Don’t wait for your opponent to start moving to block or dodge! Anticipate! The victor is always a step ahead!” Brandur, Barren’s brother and the second-in-command of the Swords, roars, as Vanlen barely blocks a savage swing from Raspin. The five other Firsts all stand in a clump off to the side as they watched, absorbing any pieces of advice Brandur threw out.

“Aeryn, Riana, fight!” Brandur bellows, breaking up the group.

The clack of wooden training blades doubles as two fights rage on instead of one.

“What’re you three standing there gawking at! Sa-long, Kardis, both of you on Prayi!” The barrow dwarf continues, tossing an extra practice blade to Prayi.
A few passing mercenaries stop to chuckle at the whirlwind of unskilled maneuvers. The fact that all of them had once been at the same stage does not stop their jeering as Prayi clumsily swings her two training blades, somehow keeping Sa-long and Kardis back as they try to get in behind her swings.
Seeing Barren striding purposefully towards them as he exits one of the numerous doors into the main building that surrounds that courtyard, Brandur calls out a halt. The band of mercenaries move on out the gate to spend their pay in the city, while a symphony of gasps fills the air around him as the seven Firsts, exhausted from their first day of training, fall to the sand that makes up the courtyard’s ground.

“Brandur! How are our Firsts coming?” Barren calls, as he closes the distance.

“Sloppy fighting and sloppier movements, brother! Never before has it been so obvious to me that these people truly did come from a peasants background!”

Standing in front of them all now, Barren looks on with feigned disapproval at the exhausted trainees. “And only on day one!” Barren laughs, his brother joining in. “Well, Firsts, I hope you absorbed everything that my brother showed you, as you’ve just been hired!”Barren stops, looking askance at Sa-long. Beneath the layers of dirt and dust it’s hard to tell, but he is reasonably sure that that one is no man. Hard to hide certain parts of the woman anatomy.

“What?” Kardis, the first to regain his breath, asks, struggling to his feet, his right stump held close to his side, a small white bunny tucked in the crook of what remains of his elbow.

“What the hell?” Barren exclaims, dumbfounded.

“His name’s Angel!”

“You brought a Shroud-damned rabbit to a training session!”

“Don’t bother, brother; I said the same.”Brandur says, crossing his arms over his mail hauberk. How he can wear such a raiment under the scorching sun, none of the Firsts can fathom. His beard, identical to Barren's, is not even wet with sweat, while the seven of you are drenched with sweat in your simple cloth, brown breeches and shirts, issued to you when you all joined the Swords earlier that day. They had wasted no time, admitting you to the compound immediately. Brandur had started training as soon as everyone had changed; none of you had even gone inside the compound's building yet.

“Did he do well?” Barren asks Brandur, referring to Kardis.

“He held his own; none of them did especially well. What would you expect, brother? It is their first day of real fighting.”

“I’ve fought before. My father taught me all he knew.” Sa-long says quietly, still ill-at-ease among people whom she only met earlier this day.

“Whether you can actually use those skills is another matter entirely!” Barren says loudly. “If a one-armed, bunny-carrying peasant held his own among others, perhaps he has a place here after all. Should you survive, Kardis, come see me after the mission.”

Kardis silently mouths, should I survive, eyes wide.

Barren turns his head to address you all as a group. “Well, Firsts, you’ve been hired by a man by the name of Rehanes. As he walked out before I could ask him, I have no idea where you are going, or what he wants you to guard or fight. Regardless, he over-payed, so you’ll be taking the job anyway.”

“You’d send us on a mission with a scant day’s worth of training?” Aeryn rumbles, drawing himself up.

“Half a day, actually. We train most dawn to dusk during the week, and it’s after noon now. Besides, while none of you would have experienced this yet, as this is your first day, Firsts are not exactly respected among the Swords.”

“We don’t even have any equipment! We could die!” Prayi vociferates, her exclamation eliciting a chorus of agreement from the other Firsts.

Barren wordlessly reaches into a small pouch at his belt, and pulls out another bag identical to the one at his belt, size and all. He repeats the process until he holds seven bags, each bulging with what looks like coins.
Other than Brandur, everyone stares at Barren, amazed. A fly explores Riana’s open mouth.

Tossing a pouch to each First, Barren explains. “Twenty Graudlin marks in each of those. The fee you have been promised at the beginning of every accepted job. Go buy yourself some equipment, food, whatever. An hour or two of entertainment, maybe? I don’t care. Just meet Rehanes at the Miser’s Gate by sundown.”

"What if we just leave with the money?"

Barren and Brandur both laugh uproariously. "Then I send Listanis after the lot of you!" Barren sobers up almost immediately, stroking his beard as he muses. "Ah, but none of you have met Listanis yet... well, rest assured, you would be brought back to serve the appropriate punishment."

"Which is?" Riana asks.

"Why spoil the surprise? Remember, sundown at the Miser's Gate!" Barren strides away, leaving Brandur staring at the seven of you questioningly, arms crossed.


A note to players

Welcome to Breach of the Fallen! This is a game where creative actions are encouraged, information is at a premium, and there is much more to anything than it appears on the surface. Lists of the NPC’s who you know that are around you are displayed at the end of every roll, along with what you know about them. A complete list of encountered NPC’s is on the main post. Obviously, you know few NPC’s at this point, and little about each. Should a player befriend an NPC, it will be listed alongside the NPC’s name. [ex: Friends with_____] Befriending an NPC is a good idea, as they will freely supply you with items, information, etc. Plus they are less likely to betray you… once this game gets going, things may get a little crazy, and a trustworthy friend is always a good thing.

I would like my players to truly think, as it will make the game more fun, instead of mindlessly following the obvious. The Sword compound has an armory, smithy, and more, as mentioned earlier in the roll. So a good move would be to ask Brandur if you could grab some items or use the facilities. If someone seems like they need help with something, ask to help! You may get something! If someone steals something, chase them! If you want to relax, go to a tavern!

What I’m getting at here is that this is a living, breathing world Breach of the Fallen takes place in. Do not feel pressured into something, and acknowledge the freedom I allow you to have! Ask questions of NPC's, answer their own they may ask of you! Who knows what may come of it?

Let’s have some fun, as the adventure begins...


Graudlin marks are worth one mark where the players are currently.

Nearby NPC’s:

Vanlen (Rulyon):

Raspin (Saima):

Aeryn (Aerynpierre):

Sa-long (Malregima):

Kardis (Shinobody):

Posts : 1166
Join date : 2011-02-16
Location : United States

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[Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen Empty Re: [Archive]Roll to Dodge: Breach of the Fallen

Post  Bigkahuna Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:39 pm

Roll #1

By the way, players don’t have to stick together in this game. Don’t feel pulled into going to, say, a stable, just because everyone else wants to buy a horse. The nearby NPC’s tab doesn’t discriminate where or who, it just covers anyone of note who is near any of the players, regardless of if only one player is near them.

For all the past inquiries, I really couldn’t answer any for the players because Malregima’s character wouldn’t share her past with strangers, and none of the other players sent me a history...
Jus’ saying…

Oh, and feel free to add more to you character’s personalities… the only one that I can truly write well for is Shinobody’s, as she is the only one who gave me more than one descriptor!

Revealed Mechanic: Weapon Attributes
Weapons have attributes as well, and any new ones encountered are listed on the roll. A complete list is on the first post. A weapon attribute is identified by its underlined status.


"Mr. Brandur, may I go to Sword armory or smithy for some weapon?

Letting loose an uproarious laugh, Brandur wipes the corners of his eyes as tears of laughter trickle out.

“You want to use our armory? Sorry, lad, but put yourself in my shoes for a moment. Letting in untrained and untried recruits into the Sword’s entire collection of weaponry just isn’t a good move on my part. You’re all still liable to run away, and the weapons in there are worth a good deal more than the pocket change my brother handed out.”

“I heard a passing group of Sword’s say there was a weaponry locker just inside the door to the left of the gate.”


“Well, can we take weapons from that?”


Brandur chews his lip for a moment, obviously trying to think of a reason to deny you access.

“You’ll make more money from us if we survive by being properly equipped.”

Brandur vacillates a moment more, before throwing up his arms. “Fine! The armaments in there aren’t worth all that much anyway. Just walk in there and take whatever you want, within reason. I don’t want to see each of you tottering out of there with an armful of blades, you hear?”

“Also, will you tell me where is the nearest store or tavern is for food and water?"


“A good watering hole is just out of Trade Square, I think. Just turn left out the gate and follow Trader’s Street. Once you reach the edge of the square, look right and she should be there,The Lady’s Disciple, provided I stumbled back the right way last night."

“And the store?”

“Gods, man! Haven’t I done enough?” Brandur complains, tugging at his beard. You are starting to get the feeling that Brandur doesn’t enjoy answering questions… or giving anything away, be it information or equipment. For free, at least.

NPC Mannerism found: Brandur doesn’t like answering questions or giving anything away.

“There’s a general store in the square, goes by the name of A Coil of Rope. Tell them I sent you, should get you a mark off or two. Now, get out of here! With all the shopping you seem to have lined up, you’ll be pressed to get to Miser’s Gate in time!”

“Miser’s Gate is due right out of the compound gate, correct?”

“Follow Trader’s Street south, yes!” Brandur whirls around and strides off quickly, his short legs pumping as he tries to get away from the – in his mind – incessant questions.

Follow the others to the armory.
Listen in on everyone's background without giving mine away.

Follow the others to the armory, with the intent of finding a weapon that can deliver a much stronger blow. Listen intently to other people tell their stories, refraining to say his in a group setting for the time being.

Go to armory to get armor/weapon.

Go with the group to the armory. Try to acquaint myself with the others, since we seen ourselves for first day in our lives.

Inquire as to their pasts, as well as the pasts I any other PCs or NPCs that accompany us.

Everyone promptly turns and heads for the aforementioned door beside the gate, but for Vanlen.

“Coming… Vanlen, is it? I don’t know about you, but I’d appreciate a good, solid blade.” Kardis asks, Angel sniffing at the fingers of his remaining hand.

"I would like to find a better weapon as well. This wooden sword may be fine for training, but if we're going to be serving someone I need something a bit heavier. I'm accustomed to swinging a hammer at the smithy; I would do better with a good, solid, heavy weight in my hand. That being said, I’ll pass. I’d rather buy a weapon than grab a second-rate one from an allegedly-poor weapons storage."

Shrugging, the six carry on. Vanlen, after a moment, hurries to catch up. “We’re going the same way, though. ‘Might as well tag along.”

"Great. Send us out to be slaughtered on the first day. This isn't what I signed up for..." Raspin grumbles, kicking at the loose ground.

“The best training is in the field, I’ve heard. I’m sure we’ll be fine… there are seven of us, after all.” Prayi chirps, practically skipping with excitement.

Well, someone obviously knew what they signed up for.

"By the way, Prayi, was that your first time wielding dual sword?" Sa-long inquires, striding beside her, though her eyes are fixed on Kardis’ rabbit with a tender look.

“It was! I thought I did rather well, don’t you?”

“According to Brandur, none of us did well…” Kardis mumbles, pulling a small carrot from his pocket and tenderly feeding it to Angel. The action is not lost on Sa-long, who finds her respect for Kardis quickly rising; as a fellow animal-empathetic, she too could tell that Angel was getting hungry, as Kardis could discern.

“So what are your stories?” Vanlen asks, wiping beads of sweat off his forehead as the sun beats unabated, an unmerciful lord heedless to the suffering of its subjects.

“While I get the sense that we will all be best of friends,” Riana says dryly, “I’d prefer to keep my history private.”

An uncomfortable silence ensures, helped along by the knowledge that Riana is not alone in her sentiment. A flock of rheys fly overhead, squawking and chirping noisily in their nasal pitch.

“Well, I was orphaned at a young age… the Pantheonic Cathedral took me in, trained me to be a caretaker…” Prayi begins, referring to the renowned cathedral dedicated to all the major Godholds that lies at the foot of the Twins, two towering peaks about a fortnight of travel north. “I wanted to do something that would truly have an impact in the world… I guess I was too vocal about it, as the pastor got angry one day, told me I could never amount to anything. He… he hurt me, saying that I could find no Hold to pray to because none of the gods wanted me…” Prayi’s voice breaks, and falls silent.

“Perhaps another time, then.” Riana remarks scathingly, as the group arrives at the wooden door beside the gate. The clamor of city life reaches your ears, but not loud enough to hide Riana’s words.

“Some respect, Riana.” Aeryn says, eyes restlessly scanning the crowded city streets beyond, as if searching for threats.

"Hang on, before we split up, let me see if I have this right: Vanlen, Raspin, Aeryn, Prayi, Sa-long and Riana, right?" Kardis says, pointing to each in turn.

"I'm not Sa-long - he is. Though I understand your's not a very manly name." Riana says, in her perpetual kindness. "I'm Riana."

"Which makes you Sa-long - my apologies."

Sa-long, pulls open the door, everyone but Vanlen entering. "I'll see you all later, I suppose." He says, turning away.

Head for the market and see what stores, goods, and services are available.

Vanlen strides out the gate, one hand clutching the bag of marks, even though it is tied to his belt. Pickpockets and thieves are abundant in any city, and Mischamin is no exception. Despite being taken aback by the presses of people – he has never been in a city this large before – he remembers Brandur’s directions, heading north up Trader’s Street. It is flanked by jettied buildings built of a mixture of wood, stone, and the covered plank style of the Sword compound, known as “mudde”. The roofs are either thatch, nailed pieces of wood covered with tarred strips of hard leather, or tiles, the tops of the roofs styled either flat or sloped. Dark narrow alleyways stared out between houses with an impassive gaze... Vanlen feeling he is being watched whenever he passes one.

Which, regrettably, is often.

Signs jut from the front walls of most buildings announcing the shop, the jettied second story obviously being used for each proprietor’s family. An open gutter lines each side of the packed cobble street; they are meant for waste, but with streets as crowded as they are, likely more people have bodily waste on them then the gutters do.

A Touch of Sliver, Matin’s Magical Enhancements, Trenchant Wit and Weaponry, Vanlen absorbs each sign as he sees them, expecting that he may have a use for each store later, but keeping true to his course: Trade Square, which is visible through the crowd now as they split around the huge greywood tree that resides in the squares center on a circle of grass, looking rather brown under the sun. The tree is surrounded by stalls and awnings, with more scattered around the square, and even more shops in the buildings that encircle the area. The massive tree's roots have webbed under the earth in the square, pushing up cobbles in tortuous lines, sending the occasional daydreaming shopper sprawling, their goods flying from outstretched hands to be snatched by the opportunistic.

Vanlen takes a tighter grip at his pouch of marks, making sure the bottom isn’t cut at the same time.

The store Brandur recommended, A Coil of Rope, is visible across the square, and right beside Vanlen, standing on the squares edge as the crowd jostles him as they split to continue on, is the tavern, The Ladies Disciple.
An open-air smithy can be seen, the smith bashing away on an anvil, the smithy covered by a thatch roof affixed to the house behind, the thatch supported by two wooden columns at the end closest to the square. Some of the stores surrounding the square have their signs visible from your position: Timin’s Loans and Investment Opportunities, Magical Components and Spells, A Dash of Taste (which appears to be a food seller), and The General’s Fine Armaments and Armour, which seems to compete directly with the open-air smithy across the square. Various stalls around the greywood tree carry jewelry, armor, garments, weaponry, exotic food and drink… it seems that anything at all can be found here.

How to shop in Breach of the Fallen:

Back at the Sword compound

The room, which is scattered with rough wooden furniture and has doors both directly in front of where you all entered and to the left across the rectangular room, has a single scarred mercenary reclining in a thick wooden chair. He glances up from sharpening his longsword, which lies across his lap, then turns his gaze back to the weapon.

“I suppose it’s through this door here.” Aeryn says, moving across the room to a door that lies directly across the one they entered through. Pulling the latch, the door opens outwards, revealing a square room with racks lining the walls and hooks hanging from the ceiling. The racks are filled with weapons, and the hooks have shields hanging from them. Most are wooden, covered in leather, but a few are metal, appearing to be railish; a local metal that can be found in the deserts under dunes. It is dark grey in color, and is hard and brittle, meaning that the metal is often broken in pitched combat. To everyone’s disappointment, the weapons all appear to be railish as well.

“Well, they’re better than nothing.” Priya comments, moving to grab a sword.

“A poor selection, nonetheless.” Raspin replies. “I’m thinking that a trip may be required to Trade Square after all.”

Poking her head in the room, Riana quickly scans around. “No bows… guess I’ll be off to Trade Square, then. I look forward to seeing you all at Miser’s.” She ends sardonically, retreating from the room and exiting out the door.

“I’m thinking a complaint would be congruous.” Aeryn grumbles, picking up a sword and examining the edge. “You’d think a reputable mercenary group would outfit its fighters better.”

“We had to work even to get this!” Prayi declares angrily. “It doesn’t even seem worth our time.”

“Well, the weapons aren’t all that bad…” Sa-long interjects, as Aeryn opens his mouth. “It’s just the selection that’s poor. Tons of people are wandering about with railish weapons; it’s local and cheap.”

“For a good reason…”

Weapons Locker:

Found Weapon Attributes:
Long Reach
This weapon’s long reach means that the user will not suffer any damage on a failed attack roll should the opponent win. It’s long reach also makes it ineffective in ranges where the opponent could normally retaliate or strike, reducing its ‘d’ by 3.

Graudlin marks are worth one mark where the players are currently.

Nearby NPC’s:

Vanlen (Rulyon):

Raspin (Saima):

Aeryn (Aerynpierre):

Sa-long (Malregima):

Kardis (Shinobody):

Posts : 1166
Join date : 2011-02-16
Location : United States

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